Kurt Gödel's Birthday Colloquium
The Kurt Gödel Society and the Vienna University of Technology are organizing a one-day Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium on the occasion of Gödel's birthday April 28th. The lectures will take place in the Böckelsaal of the Vienna University of Technology.
9.00 | opening |
9.15 | Pavel Pudlak (Chech Academy of Sciences) will speak about the Incompleteness Theorems |
10.15 | cofffee break |
10.45 | Grigor Sargsyan (IMPAN, Danzig) will speak about the Completeness Theorem and the Consistency of Axiom of Choice and Continuum Hypotheses |
11.45 | short break |
11.50 | Norbert Preining (arXiv / Cornell University) will speak about Gödel Logics |
12.50 | lunch break |
15.00 | Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt) will speak about Functional Interpretations |
16.00 | coffee break |
16.30 | Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm) will speak about Gödel's Universe |
17.30 | closure |