Kurt Gödel's Birthday Colloquium
The Kurt Gödel Society and the Vienna University of Technology are organizing a one-day Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium on the occasion of Gödel's birthday April 28th 2025.
The lectures will take place at the Boecklsaal (AA0162) of TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien (TU Maps).
Invited Speakers
- Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt) will speak about Functional Interpretations
- Norbert Preining (arXiv / Cornell University) will speak about Gödel Logics
- Pavel Pudlak (Chech Academy of Sciences) will speak about the Incompleteness Theorems
- Grigor Sargsyan (IMPAN, Danzig) will speak about the Completeness Theorem and the Consistency of the Axiom of Choice and Continuum Hypothesis
- Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm) will speak about Gödel's Universe
9.00 | opening |
9.15 | Pavel Pudlak (Chech Academy of Sciences): The Incompleteness Theorems |
10.15 | cofffee break |
10.45 | Grigor Sargsyan (IMPAN, Danzig): The Completeness Theorem and the Consistency of Axiom of Choice and Continuum Hypotheses |
11.45 | short break |
11.50 | Norbert Preining (arXiv / Cornell University): Gödel Logics |
12.50 | lunch break |
15.00 | Ulrich Kohlenbach (TU Darmstadt): Functional Interpretations |
16.00 | coffee break |
16.30 | Wolfgang Schleich (Universität Ulm): Gödel's Universe |
17.30 | closure |