Collegium Logicum is the publication series of the Kurt Gödel Society. It is a continuation of the Annals of the Kurt Gödel Society. The Collegium Logicum contains publications in Logic, Philosophy, and the History of Mathematics.
Collegium Logicum Volume 9
Gödel Centenary 2006: Posters. KGS Wien, 2006, VIII+94pp, ISBN 978-3-901546-06-8.
Collegium Logicum Volume 8
LPAR 2002: Short Contributions; CSL 2003: Extended Posters. KGS Wien, 2004, VIII+110pp, ISBN 3-901546-03-0.
Collegium Logicum Volume 7: ESSLLI 2003 - Course Material III
Arnold Beckmann and Jan Johannsen: Bounded Arithmetic and Resolution-Based Proof Systems. KGS Wien 2004, X+127pp, ISBN 3-901546-02-2.
Collegium Logicum Volume 6: ESSLLI 2003 - Course Material II
Ingo Lepper and Georg Moser: Why Ordinals are Good for You; Heribert Vollmer: First-Order Logic with Groupoidal Quantifiers. KGS Wien, 2004, VIII+105pp, ISBN 3-901546-01-4.
Collegium Logicum Volume 5: ESSLLI 2003 - Course Material I
Aarne Ranta: Grammatical Framework Tutorial; Frank Richter and Manfred Sailer: Basic Concepts of Lexical Resource Semantics. KGS Wien, 2004, VIII+143pp, ISBN 3-901546-00-6.
Collegium Logicum - Annals of the Kurt Gödel Society Volume 4
Abstracts of the Logic Colloquium 2001 in Vienna, Austria, and Abstracts of the 6th Kurt Gödel Colloquium 1999 in Barcelona, Spain.
Collegium Logicum - Annals of the Kurt Gödel Society Volume 3
with contributions by Christian Calude, Solomon Marcus and Doru Stefanescu, Zbigniew Stachniak, Richard Kaye, Antonio Di Nola, George Georgescu, Ada Lettieri, Arnon Avron, Reiner Hähnle, Alessandra Carbone, Stephen Semmes, Matthias Baaz, Georg Gottlob, Helmut Veith.
Institute of Computer Science AS CR Prague, 1999,
Computational Logic and Proof Theory, 5th Kurt Gödel Colloquium KGC 1997, Proceedings
Editors: Georg Gottlob, Alexander Leitsch, Daniele Mundici
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1289, Springer Verlag 1997, ISBN 3-540-63385-5
Collegium Logicum - Annals of the Kurt Gödel Society Volume 2
with contributions by Hans de Nivelle, Manfred Kerber and Michael Kohlhase, Gernot Salzer, Jan Krajícek, Pavel Pudlák, Alessandra Carbone, Iain A. Stewart, Rudolf Freund and Ludwig Staiger.
Springer-Verlag Wien, New York. 1996, ISBN 3-211-82796-X
Collegium Logicum - Annals of the Kurt Gödel Society, Volume 1
with contributions by Premysl Vihan, Francisco A. Rodríguez-Consuegra, Detlef D. Spalt, Erwin Engeler, Walter J. Gutjahr, Reiner Hähnle, Matthias Baaz and Alexander Leitsch.
Springer-Verlag Wien, New York, 1994, ISBN 3-211-82646-7
Yearbook 1992
with contributions by Hao Wang, Peter Loeb, Josef Mattes, Vladimir Rudenko, Norbert Rozsenich.
Yearbook 1991
with contributions by Jaakko Hintikka, Dana Scott, Michiel van Lambalgen, Edgar G.K. López-Escobar, Thomas Oberdan, Jan Wolenski, Daniele Munidici.
Yearbook 1990
with contributions by Joachim Hilgert, John C. Simms, Thomas Jech, Erwin Engeler, Eckehart Köhler, Helena Rasiowa, Hao Wang, Ulrich Felgner, Robert F. Tichy, A.R.D. Mathias.
Yearbook 1989
with contributions by Matthias Baaz, Egon Börger, Maurice Boffa, Damjan Bogdziev, Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Christian Fermüller, Josef Mattes, Gernot Salzer, Hao Wang.
Yearbook 1988
with contributions by Wilfried Hodges, Roman Manka, Alexander Leitsch, Karl Svozil, Matthias Baaz, Paul Erdös, Norbert Brunner, Maurice Boffa, Andreas Blass, Winfried Just.