
Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium

The Kurt Gödel Society is organizing the Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium in Vienna, Austria, which will take place on the occasion of Gödel's birthday April 28th, 2025

More information can be found here.

Proof Society Workshop and Winter School in Funchal, Madeira

The KGS organizes the 3rd Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications and the 3rd International Winter School on Proof Theory, which will take place from the 29th of November to the 3rd of December in Funchal, Madeira, under the auspices of The Proof Society. Please visit the official website for more information.

LATD 2020

The Kurt Gödel Society is organizing the Conference on Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees - LATD 2020 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The conference will take place September 14-18, 2020 and will be affiliated with Tbilisi 2020, the Sixteenth International Tbilisi Summer School on Logic and Language.

The LATD conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic and has evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.There will be eight invited speakers.

More information can be found here.

Workshop on Proof Theory and Automated Deduction in Funchal, Madeira

The KGS organizes a workshop Proof Theory for Automated Deduction - Automated Deduction for Proof Theory in Funchal, Madeira in October 2019. The aim of this workshop is to bring together international and Portuguese logicians, mathematicians and computer scientists. For more information please visit

Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2019

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2019 the Fifteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Conference on Kurt Goedel's Legacy

The Kurt Goedel Society intends to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Goedel’s seminal publication and the 100th anniversary of the decisive experimental verification of general relativity by organizing a conference at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Kurt Goedel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?
July 23-27, 2019
University of Vienna, Austria

This event will bring together the prominent researchers from the fields of Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence.
The conference will be enhanced with a special exhibition about life and work of Kurt Goedel with emphasis on the Goedel's solution.

FISP Workshop (3rd FISP Meeting)

The Fine Structure of Formal Proof Systems and their Computational Interpretations Workshop (3rd FISP Meeting) brings together the project particpants from Austria and France to discuss recent work and work in progress. Moreover colleagues have been invited to present their work. The workshop is organized by the KGS.

Please visit the web site of the workshop for more information:

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2018

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2018

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2018 the Fourteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2017

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2017 the Thirteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

First International Summer School for Proof Theory in First-Order Logic in Funchal, Madeira, 2017

The KGS organizes the first International Summer School for Proof Theory in First-Order Logic in Madeira. The summer school will take place in Funchal from 21.08.2017 to 26.08.2017 and will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Proof Theory Summer School in Funchal, Madeira

The KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Funchal, Madeira. In August 2016 the Proof Theory Summer School in Madeira will bring courses to various topics in proof theory to students. Please visit the official website of the summer school for more information.

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2016

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2015 the Eleventh Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Eleventh Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2015 the Eleventh Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Workshop on Proofs and Processes II

The Workshop on Proofs as Processes II is a continuation of last years Workshop on Proofs as Processes. It will be held with the support of the Kurt Gödel Society, and a Royal Society Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation International Exchanges Award in Noto, Ishikawa, from 13‐15 July, 2015.

After the successful development of a Hypernatural deduction system (LICS 2015 etc) we will continue our long-term project on extending the classical Curry-Howard correspondence to hypersequent calculus and parallel processes. It will bring together scientists working on the various related fields who are interested in collaborating in the project.

Tenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2014 the Tenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Vienna Summer of Logic 2014

The Kurt Gödel Society is proud to announce the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014, taking place in July 2014 in Vienna.

With over 2000 expected participants, the Vienna Summer of Logic 2014 (VSL) will be the largest event in the history of logic. It will consist of twelve large conferences and numerous workshops, attracting researchers from all over the world. You can find out more at the official website.

Workshop on Proofs as Processes

The Workshop on Proofs as Processes will be held with the support of the School of Information Science, Logic Group, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) and a Royal Society Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation International Exchanges Award, at the building of the Modern Literature Museum (石川四高記念文化交流館) in Kanazawa on 20th and 21st January, 2014.

The workshop's aim is to function as a kick-off meeting for a long-term project on extending the classical Curry-Howard correspondence to hypersequent calculus and parallel processes. It will bring together scientists working on the various related fields who are interested in collaborating in the project.

Ninth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2013 the Ninth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Concepts and Meaning - Workshop in honour of Alexander's Leitsch 60th Birthday

The workshop "Concepts and Meaning", held in honour of Alexander Leitsch' 60th birthday and supported by the KGS, will take place on May 4-5 2012.

Alexander Leitsch, Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, at TU Vienna, will turn 60 on May 20th, 2012. The workshop is held in honour of his many major contributions to logic, mathematics and computer science and their interactions.

The program will consist of invited talks, contributed talks, and a birthday banquet. See the workshop website for more details.

Collegium Logicum 2011: Proof Theory

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on Proof Theory supported by the KGS will take place at École Polytechnique, from 2011-02-28 to 2011-03-01. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Collegium Logicum 2010: Proofs and Structure (2)

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on Proofs and Structure supported by the KGS will take place in Paris, from 2010-11-08 to 2010-11-10. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logics

KGS is proud to be a supporter of the workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Fuzzy Logics, a satellite of the MFCS and CSL 2010 Conference, in Brno on August 28, 2010.

Links: Homepage of the workshop, List of lectures.

Sixth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The summer school in Tbilisi continues. In September 2010 the Sixth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Collegium Logicum 2010: Proofs and Structure

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on Proofs and Structure organized by the KGS will take place in Vienna on Tuesday, 2 February 2010. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Fifth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The summer school in Tbilisi continues. In September 2009 the Fifth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Moscow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation 2009

June 29th - July 2nd 2009

This workshop brings together eminent researchers in the area of Logic and Computation and continues a successful series of joint workshops organised by Steklov Institute Moscow and Vienna University of Technology. The workshop will cover a variety of topics in theoretical and applied logic centered around the notions of proof and computation:

Topics include but are not restricted to proof theory, constructive logics, realizability, modal logic, Lambek calculus and linear logic, provability logics and algebras, formal arithmetic and fragments, methods of automated and interactive proof search, categorical grammars and other applications in linguistics, fuzzy logic and epistemic reasoning, proof complexity, computational complexity.

Collegium Logicum 2009: Constraint Satisfaction Problems & Many-Valued Logics

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on Constraint Satisfaction Problems and Many-Valued Logics will take place in Vienna on Wednesday 27 March and Thursday 28 March 2009. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Fourth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The summer school in Tbilisi continues. In September 2008 the Fourth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Collegium Logicum Workshop: Fuzzy Logics and Beyond

This workshop brings together many important researchers in Fuzzy Logics and Applications. It will be held on 23 July 2008. Program:

2pm Arnon Avron: Truth-values as Information carriers (invited lecture)

3pm Anna Zamansky : Non-deterministic Matrices for languages with quantifiers (invited lecture)

4pm break

4.15pm George Metcalfe: Structural Completeness for Fuzzy Logics

4.45pm Thomas Vetterlein: Implication-less fuzzy logics and their

application in medicine

5.15pm break

5.30pm Agata Ciabattoni: From axioms to analytic rules in nonclassical logics

6.00pm Matthias Baaz: CERES and beyond

6.30pm closure

Collegium Logicum 2008: Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on Logical Models of Reasoning with Vague Information organized by the KGS will take place in Vienna on Thursday 27 March 2008. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Two and beyond: Barcelona-Vienna Workshop on truth-Functional Logics

Truth-functional logics are the central topic of this workshop.

Please see the Workshop web site for more details.

Collegium Logicum 2007: Proofs and Structures

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on proofs and structured organized by the KGS will take place in Vienna on Wednesday 24 October 2007 and Thursday 25 October 2007. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for program and more details.

Workshop Analytic Proof Systems 3 - LPAR 2007

Analyticity is a topic that connects foundational issues in logic with applications, mainly in automated deduction and analysis of proofs. The workshop is primarily intended to enhance awareness for its topic and to promote corresponding discussions and contacts between experienced experts and younger colleagues.

Please see the Workshop web site for more details.

Moscow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation 2007

This workshop brings together eminent researchers in the area of Logic and Computation.:

Third Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The summer school in Tbilisi continues. In September 2007 the Third Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Second Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The summer school in Tbilisi continues. In September 2006 the Second Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Horizons of Truth: Gödel Centenary 2006

The purpose of the Symposium is to commemorate the life, work, and foundational views of Kurt Gödel, perhaps the greatest logician of the twentieth century. In the spirit of Gödel's work, the Symposium will also explore current research advances and ideas for future possibilities in the fields of the foundations of mathematics and logic. The symposium intends to put Gödel's ideas and works into a more general context in the light of current understanding and perception. The symposium will also present various implications of his work for other areas of intellectual endeavour such as artificial intelligence, cosmology, philosophy, and theology. Please have a look at the conference webpage for more information.


International Conference on the Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Many-Valued Reasoning, in honour of Daniele Mundici on the occasion of his 60th birthday, Gargnano (Italy) March 20-22, 2006.

Please have a look at the conference webpage for more information.

Prague-Vienna workshop on proof theory and proof complexiry

A two days workshop on Proof Theory and Proof Complexity in Prague, at the Academy of Sciences, 11-12 January 2006.

KGRC Set Theory Workshop and 9th Kurt Gödel Colloquium

The workshop was held from November 17th, 2005 to November 19th at the Kurt Gödel Research Center. Please see the conference web page.

Second Florence - Vienna workshop on Logic and Computation

The second Florence - Vienna workshop on Logic and Computation was held in the mathematics department "Ulisse Dini" of the University of Florence from November 2-5, 2005. Program

First Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language

The First Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, in September 2005. Please see the conference web site for more information:

Collegium Logicum 2005: Cut-Elimination

A workshop within the Collegium Logicum lecture series on cut-elimination organized by the KGS took place in Vienna from Monday, July 4 till Wednesday, July 6 2005. Please have a look at the workshop webpage for more information

Workshop Analytic Proof Systems - LPAR 2004

Workshop schedule.

Please see here for all information.

Paris - Vienna Workshop on Proofs and Complexity

Held in Paris on 13 and 14 December 2004. Here is a copy of the program.

6th Augustus de Morgan Workshop on Logic and Law

Held 15-18 November 2004, King's College London. Organizers: M. Baaz and D. Gabbay. Here is a copy of the program.

ESF Exploratory Workshop: The Challenge of Semantics 2004

This workshop is intended to bring together the most relevant European scientists from the fields of logic, mathematics, computer science and engineering. Their combined knowledge should lead to the development and standardization of semantic concepts for fuzzy logic adequate both from the foundational and applicative point of view.

First Florence - Vienna workshop on Logic and Computation

The first Florence - Vienna workshop on Logic and Computation was held in the mathematics department "Ulisse Dini" of the University of Florence from 27 - 30 January, 2004. Program

Third international Moscow - Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation

The third international Moscow - Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation took place at V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow from 31. May - 1. June 2004. It provided a podium for a presentation of the ongoing cooperation between Moscow and Vienna groups of researchers in the fields of mathematical logic and computation theory at Steklov Mathematical Institute, Vienna University of Technology and Moscow State University.

LPAR 2003

In 2003 the Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning was held in Georgia and was coorganized by the KGS. Please see here for more information.


In August 2003 the 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information was held in Vienna.

CSL 03 and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium

In August 2003 the Computer Science Logic 2003 and 8th Kurt Gödel Colloquium was held in Vienna.

LPAR 2002

In 2002 the Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning was held in Georgia and was coorganized by the KGS. Please see here for more information.

Second Moskow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation 2002

This workshop was held in Moscow in April 2002.

LC 2001

The LC2001, the 2001 European Summer Meeting of the Association of Symbolic Logic (ASL) took place in Vienna from Monday, August 6 and till Saturday, August 11. The conference venues were the Vienna University of Technology and the University of Vienna.

These venues were chosen to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the publication of Gödel's famous Incompleteness Theorem. In 1931 Kurt Gödel was working in Vienna and lecturing at the University of Vienna.

The Logic Colloquium is the major international conference which integrates all fields of mathematical logic and its applications. Owing to its interdisciplinary and foundational character, it brings together outstanding researchers and students not only in classical logic, but also in fields such as theoretical computer science, computational logic, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and philosophy of logic and mathematics. The Logic Colloquium provides an important opportunity for young researchers to disseminate their results and to obtain feedback both from their peers and from senior members of the community.

KGC 2001 - Set Theory

The scientific program of the conference encompassed 24 lectures, from prominent researchers like Shelah, Woodin, H. Friedman, Magidor. This conference was organized in cooperation with the Institute for Logic of the University of Vienna.

First Moskow-Vienna Workshop on Logic and Computation 2000

This workshop was held in December 2000 in Moskow an brought together many renowned and young researchers from Vienna, especially the Vienna University of Technology, and Moscow, especially the Steklov Insitute.

Joint Austro-Italien workshop on Fuzzy Logics: analytic proof methods and semantics 2000

Fuzzy logics are an important topic in the intersection of logic and computer science. Many national and European research projects focus on questions concerning efficient proof search strategies and algebraic properties of these logics.

The workshop brought together leading experts and young researchers in the field. It provided a forum for the exchange of ideas and new results.

This workshop was held in extension of a bilateral exchange project between Austria and Italy.

The workshop was held from May 5-6, 2000 in Vienna.

KGC 99

The 6th Kurt Gödel Colloquium was held from Wednesday, June 16th, to Saturday, June 19th, 1999, at the Casa de la Caritat, Barcelona. There were ten invited lectures held by international renowned researchers (Vincent Danos, Lou van den Dries, Mathew Foreman, Itsvan Juhasz, Byunghan Kim, Leonid Libkin, Angus Macintyre, Hiroakira Ono, Don Pigozzi, Jean Pierre Ressayre) and twentyfive contributed lectures.

KGC 97 - Computational Logic and Proof Theory

The 5th Kurt Gödel Colloquium "Computational Logic and Proof Theory&quot was held from Monday, August 25 till Friday, August 29, 1997, in Vienna, Austria. The focus of the Conference - "Computational Logic and Proof Theory" - has attracted a lot of researchers tackling classical problems and finding new methods for long known questions in the field. There were seven invited lectures held by international renowned researchers (Leo Bachmair, Wilfried Buchholz, Samuel R. Buss, Walter A. Carnielli and P. R. S. Veloso, John A. Robinson, Tanel Tammet, Jerzy Tiuryn) and twenty contributed lectures. The proceedings have been published by Springer Verlag, LNCS 1289.