News and Activities

Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium

The Kurt Gödel Society is organizing the Kurt Gödel Birthday Colloquium in Vienna, Austria, which will take place on the occasion of Gödel's birthday April 28th, 2025

More information can be found here.

Proof Society Workshop and Winter School in Funchal, Madeira

The KGS organizes the 3rd Workshop on Proof Theory and its Applications and the 3rd International Winter School on Proof Theory, which will take place from the 29th of November to the 3rd of December in Funchal, Madeira, under the auspices of The Proof Society. Please visit the official website for more information.

LATD 2020

The Kurt Gödel Society is organizing the Conference on Logic, Algebra and Truth Degrees - LATD 2020 in Tbilisi, Georgia. The conference will take place September 14-18, 2020 and will be affiliated with Tbilisi 2020, the Sixteenth International Tbilisi Summer School on Logic and Language.

The LATD conference series started as an official meeting of the working group on Mathematical Fuzzy Logic and has evolved into a wider meeting in algebraic logic and related areas. Its main goal is to foster collaboration between researchers in these areas, and to promote communication and cooperation with members of neighbouring fields.There will be eight invited speakers.

More information can be found here.

Workshop on Proof Theory and Automated Deduction in Funchal, Madeira

The KGS organizes a workshop Proof Theory for Automated Deduction - Automated Deduction for Proof Theory in Funchal, Madeira in October 2019. The aim of this workshop is to bring together international and Portuguese logicians, mathematicians and computer scientists. For more information please visit

Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2019

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2019 the Fifteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Conference on Kurt Goedel's Legacy

The Kurt Goedel Society intends to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Goedel’s seminal publication and the 100th anniversary of the decisive experimental verification of general relativity by organizing a conference at the University of Vienna, Austria.

Kurt Goedel’s Legacy: Does Future lie in the Past?
July 23-27, 2019
University of Vienna, Austria

This event will bring together the prominent researchers from the fields of Physics, Mathematics, Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence.
The conference will be enhanced with a special exhibition about life and work of Kurt Goedel with emphasis on the Goedel's solution.

FISP Workshop (3rd FISP Meeting)

The Fine Structure of Formal Proof Systems and their Computational Interpretations Workshop (3rd FISP Meeting) brings together the project particpants from Austria and France to discuss recent work and work in progress. Moreover colleagues have been invited to present their work. The workshop is organized by the KGS.

Please visit the web site of the workshop for more information:

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2018

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2018

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2018 the Fourteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information:

Gold Medal posthumously awarded to Petr Hájek

On June 27 2017 (in the framework of the conference in the series Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic, TACL 2017) the Kurt Gödel Society has presented the gold medal posthumously to the son and the daughter of Professor Petr Hájek, which was awarded for his eminent contribution to the field of logic and to the development of the Kurt Gödel Society, whose president Professor Petr Hájek has been for many years.

Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language 2017

Also this year, the KGS organizes a summer school taking place in Tbilisi, Georgia. In September 2017 the Thirteenth Vienna Tbilisi Summer School in Logic and Language will bring courses to various topics to students. Please visit the web site of the summer school for more information: